There’s not a person, a situation, or a place where Light can’t break through. In our world today, you don’t have to look far to see pain, or confusion, or brokenness.
That’s where we come in.
Light Breaks Through is a Christian nonprofit organization committed to bringing the transformative work of the gospel into homes and families, into communities, and into every sector of culture and society.
Our Focus is listed below in four main areas.
–Healthy family
We believe the most attractive thing on the planet is a healthy family. Family is God’s idea.
–god given identity
We help people find their value and purpose.
We host conferences and events that help people encounter the God of the impossible.
Community restoration and transformation is a Kingdom principle we are excited about.
“You are created for significance. You matter, and the world needs you to believe what God has said.””

Light Breaks Through began as a simple truth... God has a plan for you and your story matters. Your story matters.
And you are dearly loved. You are dearly loved by a God who had thoughts of you long before you were born. The bible says God's thoughts about you outnumber all the grains of sand in the world. Even in your brokenness, especially in your brokenness, you are dearly loved beyond comprehension.
But you were never meant to stay broken. You were never made to live broken. You were made for wholeness. And Jesus has already made a way for your story to be a story of wholeness.
Light Breaks Through began in a strip club with a few women who wanted to showcase the love of Jesus in perhaps the oddest of places. In the beginning Light Breaks Through ministered in strip clubs, drug rehabilitation centers, prisons, churches, colleges, and anywhere and everywhere that we could bring Light. Our focus is now centered on the health of the body of Christ and empowering believers to live in the fullness of God. A person who knows who God created them to be isn’t going to want to be anyone else.
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